Overview of affiliate links for sellers
Shareable affiliate linksare generated by TikTok Shop creators using your products in the Open Plan or Targeted Plan. These links can be promoted on other social media channels, direct messages, and other ways outside the TikTok app, thus, providing more potential for your business growth.
What are affiliate links?
Affiliate links allow creators to promote TikTok Shop products outside the TikTok app.
- The link is connected to their account, and when customers click on the affiliate link and check out the product, the commission could be attributed to the creators.
- In turn, creators receive a commission from the seller once the orders are completely fulfilled.
- Creators can promote sharable affiliate links, their own showcase links, and sharable campaign links.
Affiliate linksare available on both Open and Target Collaboration. You, the seller, can generate sales from the link in both collaborations.
How do affiliate links work?
To learn more about the journey of affiliate links between Seller > Creator > Customer, we created this flowchart:
Creator POV for affiliate links
In order to provide more insight as to how creators can share the links, we’ll go through the step-by-step process of generating the affiliate link.
In addition to the “copy link” button in Step 4, tapping on the other social media channels will also generate the sharable link to share directly to your chosen channel. For example, if you choose Facebook, it will redirect you to Facebook’s create status page with the generated link added .
Seller POV related to affiliate links
For all your existing Open or Target Collaborations, TikTok Shop creators will automatically be able to promote your products through sharable links. No additional configuration is needed on your end.
How to track your affiliate link’s data
Navigateto: Seller Center > Data Compass > Marketing > Creator Analysis
The ‘Affiliate Link Performance’ shows you your revenue, items sold, orders, customers, and estimated commission from the affiliate link source. You can also see the percentage of traffic coming from each platform where participating creators shared the affiliate link. By default, the top five traffic sources will be displayed. If creators shared affiliate links on more than five channels, they will all be aggregated under “Others.”
By clicking “View Details” at the Creator’s List, you’ll land on the Creator Details page.
At the Creator Details page, you can go to Product Card to get further insights on the shared affiliate products performance such as Revenue, Item Sold, Buyers and Est. Commission.
From the All Products dropdown, you can select either “Affiliate linkproducts” or “Showcase products”.
You can view the performance of affiliate linkproducts or showcase products to get a better understanding of which output works better in driving your product sales, whether externally-focused via sharable affiliate links or internally via creator showcase.
- Is it possible to remove the option for creators to promote my products using affiliate links?
- You can turn on the Approve Creators toggle if you wish to manually approve or reject requests from certain TikTok Shop creators to promote your products. However, you can not remove the option to promote products using affiliate links. Same as, you can’t remove the option for creators to promote using short videos or LIVE sessions.